Travel guide

Baltic capital.

Time difference





Telephone prefix


How do you say...

Some words and expressions in the language

  • Good morning / Good evening = Labdien/Labvakar
  • How are you? = K? jums iet?
  • Very well, thank you, and you? = Paldies, ?oti labi
  • Do you speak French/English? = Vai j?s run?jiet franciski/angliski
  • I understand/ I don’t understand = Es saprotu/Es nesaprotu
  • Sorry = Atvainojiet
  • Goodbye = Uz redz?šanos
  • Welcome = Sveicin?ta
  • Thank you (very much) = (Liels) paldies
  • Excuse me/Please = Piedodiet/l?dzu
  • I am French = Esmu franc?zis (franc?ziete)
  • My name is… = Mani sauc…
  • No thanks = N?, paldies
  • Yes/No = J?/N?
  • You’re welcome / Please = Nav par ko/L?dzu

Key figures

Area: 64 589 km²

1.92 million inhabitants (2019)

Good to know


Up-to-date vaccinations :

  • DTPolio
  • MMR for children

Don’t hesitate to ask your GP for advice before you leave.


Since March 1, 1999, you can visit Latvia without a visa for stays of up to 90 days in any half-year. However, you must have either a passport or a valid, secure national identity card.