Travel guide
Balearic Islands

Landscapes of simple beauty.

Time difference





Telephone prefix


How do you say...

Some words and expressions in the language

You’ll hear both Spanish and Catalan on the islands…

  • Bonjour / Bonsoir = Hola / Bon capvespre
  • How are you? = Com va ?
  • Fine, thank you, and you? = Molt bé, gràcies i tu
  • Do you speak French/English? = Parles Francès/Anglès?
  • I understand/ I don’t understand = Entenc / No ho entenc
  • Sorry = perdona
  • Goodbye = adéu
  • Welcome = benvingut
  • Thank you (very much) = (moltes) gràcies
  • Please = Si us plau
  • I am French = Sóc francès
  • My name is… = Es meu nom és…
  • No thanks = no gràcies
  • Yes/No = Si / No
  • You’re welcome = De res


Up-to-date vaccinations :

  • diphtheria-tetanus-polio
  • rubella, mumps and especially measles.


As the Balearic Islands are Spanish, and Spain is a member of the European Union, French nationals can enter freely with a valid passport or national identity card.